Journal of International Law and Diplomacy

Good Offices of the United Nations Secretary-General (1)
Moritaka Hayashi

The Habitual Residence Principle of the New International Family Law 1989: critical comments on its legal and logical basis
Jun'ichi Akiba

Telecommunication and Sovereignty
Akira Kotera

Good Offices of the United Nations Secretary-General (2)
Moritaka Hayashi

L'O.N.U. et la souveraineté : Dialectique de l'efficacité des organisations internationales et du contrôle exercé par les Etats
Ryuichi Ida

Internationally Wrongful Acts and International Responsibility of International Organizations
Toshiya Ueki

The Application of the Uniform Law on Bills of Lading amended by the 1968 Protocol to the 1924 Convention (The Hague-Visby Rules)
Akira Takakuwa

The Interrelationship between State Responsibility and Contractual Responsibility
Junji Nakagawa

State Responsibility and the Nature of the Local Remedies Rule-A Critical Analysis of the I.L.C.'s Draft Articles-
Nobuyuki Kato

A Critical Consideration of Japanese Policy toward Indochinese Refugees
Hiroshi Honma

International Regimes and Foreign Policy Process-Japanese Textile Trade Policy Process in GATT-MFA Regimes-
Satoshi Ohyane

The International Court of Justice: Case concerning Elettronica Sicula S.p.A. (ELSI)
Takane Sugihara

Restatement Third, Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States (8)
Study Group on the U.S. Foreign Relations Law

Decisions of Japanese Courts relating to International Law (New Series 2) -1986(2)-
Study Group on Decisions of Japanese Courts relating to International Law

Restatement Third, Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States (9)
Study Group on the U.S. Foreign Relations Law

Report of the Work of the Forty-second Session of the International Law Commission
Motoo Ogiso

Election of the Members of the International Court of Justice, 1990
Ichiro Komatsu

Restatement Third, Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States (10)
Study Group on the U.S. Foreign Relations Law

The International court of Justice : Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
Takane Sugihara

Restatement Third, Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States (11)
Study Group on the U.S. Foreign Relations Law

International Court of Justice: Case concerning the Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989
Takane Sugihara

Restatement Third, Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States (12)
Study Group on the U.S. Foreign Relations Law

Restatement Third, Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States (13)
Study Group on the U.S. Foreign Relations Law

Book Reviews
C.F. Amerasinghe, Local Remedies in International Law
Nobuyuki Kato

Antonio Cassese, Joseph H. H. WeileriEdsj, Change and Stability in International Law-Making
Azusa Sinohara

Studies on Peace and Regional Security, 5 vols. i1. Pacific, 2. Africa, 3. Europe, 4. Asia, 5. Latin Americaj
Minako Itakura

Territory (Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law.vol.3), edited by Kokusaiho-Jirei-Kenkyu-kai
Kanae Taijudo

Axel Flessner, Interessenjurisprudenz im internationale Privatrecht
Shunichiro Nanano

Ribot Hatano & Jutaro Higashi (eds.), A Study of International Arbitral Awards on State Responsibility
Nisuke Ando

H. Usui and T. Uchida (eds.), New Global Science: From Chaos to Order, Vol.I Crisis and Renaissance of the World Society. Vol.II Pluralism, Co-existence, International Network
Ryuhei Hatuse

Sigeru Kozai, Peace-keeping Operation of the United Nations
Eiichi Fukatsu

Kanji Akagi, The Origin of Vietnam War: The Eisenhower Administration and The First Indochina War
Hisao Iwashima

Soji Yamamoto, International Criminal Law
Masahiro Aichi

Junji Nakagawa, Legal Process of Natural Resources Naturalization
Haruo Saburi

Takehiko Kamo, A New Paradigm of International Security
Yuzo Yabuno

Tanaka Tadashi and Hirobe Kazuya (eds.), International Law and Municipal Law-In Commemoration of Professor Yamamoto Soji's 60th Anniversary
Yoshiro Matsui

Shigejiro Tabata, Problems od Modern International Law
Shigeki Miyazaki

Susumu Yamakage, ASEAN: From Symbol To System
Motoko Shuto

Eulogy on Professor Mitsuo Maehara
Soji Yamamoto

Bibliography of International Law, Private International Law, International Politics and Diplomacy (1990)

The 94th Annual Meeting, Spring Session

The 94th Annual Meeting, Autumn Session