Journal of International Law and Diplomacy
"Illegality of the use of Nuclear Weapons" and "Logic of Nuclear Deterrence"(1)-Legal Sociological Analysis-
Kazuo Hirose

Le contrôle des sentences abitrales du C.I.R.D.I.: Quelques réflexions à l'autorité du tribunal arbitral et la volonté des parties en l'arbitrage
Mariko Kawano

Diversification of International Dispute Settlement Systems-Its Implication for the Concept of Dispute Settlement-
Hirokazu Miyano

"Illegality of the use of Nuclear Weapons" and "Logic of Nuclear Deterrence"(2)-Legal Sociological Analysis-
Kazuo Hirose

Implementation of Rules of International Public Order and the Changing Concept of Effectiveness
Teruo Komori

Die Struktur von Wenglers Theorie der Sonderanknöpfung des zwingenden Rechts
Yayoi Sato

International Human Rights of Law and Japanese Law and Practice Involving Family Relations
Junko Torii

Bynkershoek's Concept and Methodology of Jus Gentium
Kinji Akashi

Anti-Realist Power Sites: State and Society in International Relations
Makoto Kobayashi

Multiple Legal Structure of Landmine Regulations
Seigo Iwamoto

The International Court of Justice: Case concerning the Territorial Dispute (Judgment)
Study Group on Decisions of the International Court of Justice

Report on the Work of the Forty-ninth Session of the International Law Commission
Chusei Yamada

The International Court of Justice: Case concerning Maritime Delimination and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Jurisdiction and Admissibility)
Study Group on Decisions of the International Court of Justice

Decisions of Japanese Court relating to international Law(12)-1995-
Study Group on Decisions of Japanese Courts relating to International Law

The International Court of Justice: Case concerning East Timor
Study Group on Decisions of the International Court of Justice

The 68th(1998) Conference of the International Law Association in Taipei (Taiwan, Republic of China)

The International Court of Justice: Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria-Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures-
Study Group on Decisions of the International Court of Justice

Report on the Work of the Fiftieth Session of the International Law Commission
Chusei Yamada

Book Reviews
Contemporary International Society and Aspects of Human Rights (in Japanese)
Yoshio Kawashima

Kentaro Serita, The Global Community and International Law (in Japanese)
Kazuhiro Nakatani

M. Cherif Bassiouni and Edward M. Wise, Aut Dedere Aut Judicare: The Duty to Extradite or Prosecute in International Law
Kazuya Sakamoto

Kokusaiho-Jirei Kenkyukai (ed.) Diplomatic and Consular Relations (Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law, Vol.4) (in Japanese)
Yukio Shimada

M. J. Peterson, Recognition of Governments:@ Legal Doctrine and State Practice, 1815\1995
Eiichi Usuki

Marcelo G. Kohen, Possession contestée et@souveraineté Territoriale
Shotaro Hamamoto

Organized International Community and Law-In Celebration of Prof.H. Uchida's Seventieth Year's of Age-(in Japanese)
Shigeru Kozai

Mohamed Shahabuddeen, Precedent in the World Court
Izumi Sunagawa

Masao Shimada, Yoshinbu Eizumi and Akiko Shimizu (eds.) The Changing International Community and The Law-In Celebration of Prof. Teruo Doi's Seventy Year's of Age(in Japanese)
Kazuaki Sono

Hisakazu Fujita, United Nations Law (in Japanese)
Toshiya Ueki

T.Sugihara(ed.) International Law of Dispute Settlement(in Japanese)
Nisuke Ando

Masaharu Yanagihara, Christian Wolff's Theory of International Law (in Japanese)
Kenji Tsuji

Tatsuo Urano, International Conflict over the South China Sea: the History, Analysis and Documents (in Japanese)
Manabu Hamaguchi

Beate Kopp, Probleme der Nachlaßabwicklung bei Kollisionsrechtlicher Nachlaßspaltung: Haftung für Nachlaßverbindlichleiten
Takami Hayashi

In Memorium Professor Kanae Taijudo
Shigeru Kozai

Bibliography of International Law, Private International Law, International Politics and Diplomacy (1997)